Don’t you HATE them?!!

A Closer Look…

with Anthony Newcombe

🚪This month’s topic: BOOM!

Why do hotel doors cause so much of a racket when closing?

No matter the quality, rate, or general cleanliness of a hotel, they all seem to have one irritating trait very much in common:  Their room doors make a ton of noise when they closeBe it coming or going, all we hear is BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!


Think about it:  when’s the last time you visited even a 5-star property that, well, won’t wake you up with a better success rate than the cheap alarm clock or the unreliable automated operator call?

In fact, I just completed back-to-back trips in completely different cities (and hotels) and both times I was awakened by the constant slamming of some jerky in the hallway either having a really late night out or trying to get to the airport just in time to find out his flight was cancelled.


Did the hotel chains ever consider hiring Rolls Royce to design their doors?  RR has a pretty good reputation for designing doors that assure “soft landings.”  Or, how about Sub-Zero? Their iceboxes (does “icebox” date me?) seem to be pretty quiet when I open (and close) them for my sleepwalking snack(s).  I know, it’s probably a bit pricey. But you’d think that being in a copycat industry, SOMEONE might have already figured this one out.  Spoiler Alert: they have NOT.

You’d think the hotel chains would be excited about this.  Then, they have something better to promote than “free breakfast and Wi-Fi” offered! They really do need our help, folks. 

Any ideas?


Happy fall quarter!

See you next month


Anthony Newcombe is a 4-time entrepreneur. He is also a published author and narrator and a full-stack web developer. Anthony can be reached for appearances via our CONTACT PAGE.

Support Small Businesses

A Closer Look …

with Anthony Newcombe

Support Small Businesses
Let’s take a closer look … @ SUPPORTING SMALL BUSINESSES!!




Anthony Newcombe is a 4-time entrepreneur, published author & narrator, and full-stack web developer. He can be reached directly for appearances via our CONTACT PAGE.


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A Closer Look …

with Anthony Newcombe

Let’s take a closer look

Topic: What skill did you learn/ are you learning during the extended “home-based” Covid-19 period?

Personal note: Like you, I noticed plenty of people getting in on the new “mask production craze”

The “mask makers” (as seen all over YouTube) …

However, I decided to do something a bit different. I took some time to learn a new digital design skill. Since I began self-learning coding in late 2014, I’ve always tinkered with Photoshop, but, only learned enough to make a mess for the most part! So, with some extra time on my hands (not having to drop off the kids at school for a while) I dug into the progam GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program).

Since its free, open source software, I knew I could simply dabble at my pace without worrying about an forthcoming “expired trial period” to deal with. Also, I knew if I got distracted by something else unforeseen, I could easily move on without worry likewise.

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